lOvE iS In ThE aiR!!!!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

She didn't follow family's advice-and got killed
The Sunday Times,Sunday,August 13 2006
A girl in Johor Baru was advised not to walk to her workplace but did not heed the advice given by the government and in the end she was killed. This incident happened after the prime minister ordered the police to set up patrols to make the country safer. From this article we can clearly see that this girl has taken the safety of her country for granted. However from this article, I have reflected on how the locals in Singapore have taken the safety for granted. If one were to ask any singaporean if singapore is a safe country, they would gladly say that it is one of the best country. Even if one day we are being attacked by the terrorists, many people would just stay at home. Their mentality would have been switched to," why worry, the government will settle it."


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