lOvE iS In ThE aiR!!!!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

More troops for Thai south after killer blasts

the straits times tuesday, february 20,2007

thailand is sending more troops to the troubled south after bomb and arson attacks marred the Chinese New Year, leaving 9 people dead and 44 injured.
this is a horrifying scene. the arson and bombings actually held during a festival that is worth celebrating and out of the blue, bloodsheds were spilled all over the southern part of thailand. this is getting out of hand ever since the coupe has taken over Thailand.


Blogger Clarence Tan said...

I can't help but feel sorry for the Thais as they continue to search for the peace and stability they so desperately need.

Even before the military coup, sectarian unrest has already thrown the country into turmoil and it seems that the junta is unable to cope with the country's most pressing issues. Maybe they bit of more than they could chew. It will be a long while before true happiness returns to the Land of a Thousand Smiles.

1:57 AM  

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