lOvE iS In ThE aiR!!!!

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Moms' Genetics Might Help Produce Gay Sons
By Randy DotingaHealthDay Reporter Tue Feb 21, 11:52 PM
.Upon reading this article on the net, i was relatively shocked by what was reported. They said Scientists found that almost one fourth of the mothers who had more than one gay son. This could be due to the age of the mothers andthis genetic can not be altered. Personally i feel that whether you produce a gay son or not, the society and parents should accept them for who they are. The gays had never wanted to be gay. All they wanted was a normal life. It is because of today's society that caused discrimination against gays thats why the issue of homosexual is very sensitive

Sunday, February 19, 2006

$2.6b help package for all straits times sat feb 18
in my point of view i feel that the governement did the right thing by giving people incentives, such as cash incentives for the workers who have lower salaries. this is because i feel that there are quite a number of people who are still struggling with problems such as taxes, salries and finance. Moreover as elections are just round the corner so the government is trying to impress the citizens by giving them incentives, so that the governmet can attract the citizens so that the people of Singapore will vote for them in the upcoming elections. just like putting bait into the sea and waitting for the fishes to bite..

Friday, February 17, 2006


not long ago in Manila philippines , a large mudslide occurred after torrential rains swept round the region, it caused mountain sides to disintegrate into a torrent of mud , swallowing hundreds of houses and people , like the tsunami disaster which took thousands of lives, and the sad thing as usual , many lives were taken and sadly bodies lost ,but what i like is that helping hands from around the world are at the ready to help out . many people from all around the world from all aspects all of life join together to help out the dead and wounded in Manila, this actually helps to closer bonds between the neighbouring counries, and within the thick haze of fear and destruction, greater ties and stronger bonds between countries are born .

'Pay real money for virtual things?' life page L12

would you pay real money to buy something which is virtual ? many people including myself have tried out paying real money to buy something that is not real but virtual , like for games such as maple story , i have paid roughly $10 for just a few virtual costumes for one character. and in other games i spend roughly $20 just to play a virtual game, is it really worth it paying so much money just to have just a brief moment of fun ?
In the childrens point of view, paying for these virtual things would only give them momentary pleasure. In the business point of view, games developers make money through the virtual items that they sell online, through selling their games and also online subscriptions.
In games such as maple story , players hide their characters behind their virtual costumes all paid with real money .
Therefore i conclude that itis not really necessary to pay real money for virtual things, as using your own or your parents hard earned money to buy "virtual" things in my point of view would just be a total waste of money . when you can put the money to better use, why would you want to spend it all on virtual things. virtual goods are only there temporarily, as compared to the real goods you could buy from the money spent, its not worth it spending money on Virtual goods.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Pups turned into heroin courers
Friday, February 3, 2006
A veterinarian had stitch 14 packets containing 3kg of heroin - worth US$200,000 into the bellies of six pups. three pups died of onfection after the drugs were removed.
As an animal lover - especially a dog lover, when i heard about this incident i was horrified. This is because a veterinarian who is supposedly an animal lover would not do such inhumane actions towards living animals. I felt utterly disappointed with these people who put liquid heroin into the bellies of these innocent animals. They only thought of their own benefit and not the pain of the pups that they are going through.

Brazillians race to adopt lake baby
wednesday, February 1,2006
Apparently, the baby was abandoned by a mother of the age 27 into the lake of Pampulha in Brazil. The mother is charged with attempt homicide for putting the baby into plastic bag, setting it on a board and pushing it into the lake.
Many people would feel that the mother deserved a jail term. However, as a reader who barely knew what had happened, should not take a stand to condamn the mother for being ruthless. I feel that we should always put ourselves into her shoes as she must have a reason why she decided to dump this baby into the lake.