lOvE iS In ThE aiR!!!!

Friday, February 17, 2006


not long ago in Manila philippines , a large mudslide occurred after torrential rains swept round the region, it caused mountain sides to disintegrate into a torrent of mud , swallowing hundreds of houses and people , like the tsunami disaster which took thousands of lives, and the sad thing as usual , many lives were taken and sadly bodies lost ,but what i like is that helping hands from around the world are at the ready to help out . many people from all around the world from all aspects all of life join together to help out the dead and wounded in Manila, this actually helps to closer bonds between the neighbouring counries, and within the thick haze of fear and destruction, greater ties and stronger bonds between countries are born .


Blogger rendição said...

Yes. Indeed, although the people suffer in disasters like this, there is always a silver lining.

It is said that in the face of adversity, people reveal their true natures and can do wonderful and miraculous things. Mothers are said to lift cars to save their children and sickly men sprint long distances to send for help.

Although nothing quite as dramatic has happened in this case, the fact remains that out of disaster emerges a new beginning where lives are rebuilt and restored. I feel the same way. The people that helped in the rescue are heros in every respect. Kudos to them!

10:19 PM  
Blogger rendição said...

Arcticwolf =Ryan ...sorry..forgot to add my name at the bottom

10:20 PM  

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