lOvE iS In ThE aiR!!!!

Friday, April 07, 2006

Rachel Holt charged with 28 counts of raping a 13 year old student.
School teacher
CNN Wednesday April 5, 2006
Delaware school teacher was charged on Tuesday (April 4) with 28 counts of raping a younger child after she allegedly engaged in a sexual relationship with a 13 year old student. this was reported by a policeman. In addition she is also facing a few charges of allowing a 12 year old friend of the victim to watch them have sex in her home. when i read this article. i was utterly disgustd by her actions. all along i also thought its normally the males who will rape students, who are the pedophiles. i just couldn't believe my eyes that a woman would actually do that. it could be due to that not many women would rape guys. that may be the reason why it could cause a big commotion. i feel that this incident should be dealt severely because generally people do not learn from their mistakes and repent. hence i feel that this incident should be dealt severely and should not be let off lightly


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