lOvE iS In ThE aiR!!!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

THREE IN FIVE SUSPECTS OFFERED BAIL CAN'T AFFORD IT The straits times monday march 13 pg4

Many lawyers claim that the bail amounts are set too high for the suspects to pay , as statistics show, last year, 5300 out of 13300 people offere bail could afford it , while the others could not afford the high prices of the bails, in my point of view , i find it ridiculous to have bails at such high prices , as i see no point to it, the susoects if found guilty would spent their time in jail which is good enough ,they dont need to become bankrupt at the same time. therefore i think that it is unnecessary to have such high bails in Singapore


Blogger Musica said...

i think that having such high bails is just a little ridiculous , as whats the use of putting bail if no one is able to pay for it?

11:38 PM  

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